Dear Nilaya House friends,

It’s officially back-to-school season with many students returning to Dubai from travels away. Sometimes the adjustment to “regular life” and routine can be a challenging period. It’s useful to pay close attention to these transition periods and take steps to manage them smoothly.

In Ayureda, a period of change or flux, is when “vata” (movement) dosha is most likely to be aggrevated. This can result in feeling anxious and generally unsettled.

Some tips for managing transitions include;

give yourself a day or two after returning from travels before jumping straight back into responsibilities
engage in some self-care rituals during this time, such as abhyanga (oil self-massage) to calm the nervous system
simplify the diet during this period, favouring warm and moist foods, such as kitchari
become present to the mini-transitions that take place throughout the day, sleeping to waking, coming out of savasana. Take your time with these, and enjoy some moments in the liminal space
Regularly drop your breathe into your belly and spend some time with your breathe
be kind and gentle with yourself, release the pressure to “jump back into action”
Yours in Yoga,


Intro to Ashtanga Yoga (3-week course)
with Zainab Hafiziji
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:15-7:15pm

Starts September 6

Over these six sessions you will be introduced to the foundational postures of Ashtanga Yoga as well as the method for practice. You will learn correct breathing, surya namaskar, standing postures, closing postures and relaxation.

This course is the ideal preparation for attending self-practice classes (Mysore-style) on a regular basis.

This course is for:

  • beginners to yoga
  • those new to the Ashtanga method
  • returning students wanting a refresh
  • students wanting to prepare for attending Mysore classes.



Yoga Foundations (8-week course)
with Hodis Kavian
Mondays 6:30-7:45pm

Starts September 13

This 8-week course will provide you will a solid foundation for a sustainable and beneficial yoga asana practice.

Each session will build week-by-week looking in detail at the alignment of foundational postures, the use of props and sequencing of asanas.

These progressive and in-depth sessions will cover standing, forwards bends, twisting, backbending and inversion postures following the Iyengar system of yoga.

Suitable for those new-to-yoga or with some initial experience and ideal for students wanting detailed and thorough instruction under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

**Limited to 7 students only**



The Warrior Series
with Rangaji Ramachandran
Friday September 3 10:30-12:30pm

Online via Zoom only

Join Rangaji for an in-depth look into Virabhrasana 1,2 & 3 and how these postures form the foundation of many other asanas.

Suitable for regular yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.



The Big Still (3-hour Yin Yoga session)
with Amanda Smith
Friday September 24 2:00-5:00pm

How would it be if your body and mind were given the opportunity to simply BE?

Deep rest can give way to awareness on how we really are.

The Yin practice is one of many ways to come home to our body. To tend to what’s really being asked of us. We put our body into simple forms and release over time… practising stillness.

Join this established community for a special longer session. A community of putting down our phones and technology, of looking within and cultivating ultimate kindness and compassion towards ourselves.

If you have a body, you can join this session.




Starting September

Sunday 5:15pm – Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth with Britni

Wednesday 5:15pm – Restorative Yoga with Nassima

Friday 7:45am – Beginners Yoga with Catherine




Join our Ashtanga Sangha! A sangha is a community of like-minded people coming together to grow through yoga.

The sangha will meet once-a-month for a series of theoretical and practical workshops focused on yoga philosophy as well as techniques to support and deepen your Ashtanga Yoga practice.

A different topic will be explored each month, as well as time in each session for chanting, pranayama and meditation.

Students of all levels are welcome to join. The only requirement is a regular (3 times per week minimum) Ashtanga yoga practice.

Timing: Second Saturday of each month (9:00am – 12:00pm) starting in October.

EARLY BIRD pricing runs til September 15.




If you wanted to choose just one niyama and make it your life’s practice, it very well could be santosha. Translated as contentment, this niyama opens to the door to the the heart of yoga, and in fact Patanjali says brings the highest happiness.

Applied to your daily asana practice, it gives the path to moving beyond the duality of attachment and aversion, and finding equanimity in every moment.

It can be a challenge for yoga practitioners to de-condition the thinking from the competitive mindset that is part of corporate life, sports or performance.

We often come to the mat with expectations about progress, goals, desired experiences, or things we want to avoid.

Continuing in this vain inevitably leads to disappointment, frustration and potentially giving up.

If this sounds like you, then remember santosha and;

  • be accepting and loving towards your body/mind condition each and every day. And remember every day is different
  • let go of specific goals and aims for progress, particlarly if attached to a timeframe
  • encounter each asana with curiousity and nonjudgemental observation
  • connect to the breath as a tool to come into the present moment
  • remember that every moment is complete and perfect as it is