Beginners Yoga Course – Yoga Nidra – Breathwork Classes

One of the great benefits of a regular yoga practice is connecting to our inbuilt circadian rhythms, which can be disrupted due fast-paced, city living. Reconnecting with harmonious sleeping, eating and exercise habits lies at the heart of living a yogic lifestyle.

For many of us, getting enough sleep can be a real challenge. Even if we go to bed early, there’s no guarantee sleep will come if the mind remains anxious.

With this in mind, I’m happy to launch this month our evening practices programme including Yin Yoga, Pranayama and Yoga Nidra classes every night Sunday to Thursday. Also for read on for details of our Yoga Nidra for Better Sleep Workshop coming up later this month.

Yours in Yoga

Nea Ferrier,

Founder & Teacher, Nilaya House

4-week Beginners Yoga Course
with Neeru Garg
Tuesdays 6:30-7:45pm

Starts August 10

A 4-week course designed to introduce you to breathing, foundational asanas, relaxation and meditation. Learn correct breathing, safe alignment and experience the benefits of yoga in a supportive environment.

The course introduces the history of yoga, fundamental principles of alignment and breathwork. Students will be introduced to yoga postures through step-by-step verbal description and demonstration. Emphasis will be placed on student understanding, safety and stability within each pose.

**Limited to 7 students only**


Yoga Nidra for Better Sleep with Cathy Beasley

Saturday August 14



Join is for a workshop on how to get a better night’s sleep. At the heart of this practical workshop, will be ancient practice of Yoga Nidra — a powerful and effective meditation to help alleviate insomnia.

About Cathy

Cathy has been practising Yoga Nidra since 2007. Primarily trained in Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra® teacher training with Jennifer Reis at Kripalu, USA, Cathy has continued her education in this field attending workshops with globally-renowned Yoga Nidra teachers to develop a broad knowledge of traditional and modern-day Yoga Nidra practice.



Explore our restful and rejuvenating evening practices.

All these classes are either in the shala or there is the option of joining in online from home.

Pranayama & Meditation with Purva Kaushal

Sundays 7:45-8:45pm

Yoga Nidra with Cathy Beasley

Mondays 7:30-8:30pm

Deep Rest and Breath with Sarah Williamson

Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm

Candlelight Yin with Amanda Smith

Wednesdays 7:30-:8:45pm



Name: Sarah Aitcheson

Profession: Investor Relations, a client relations role for institutional investors

Other interests: Reading, family time, dogs and cats (rescue, adoption and volunteering at shelters), volunteering in general (community work, beach clean-ups), spending time in nature.

Q. How long have you been practising yoga? 

A. 3 years

Q. What classes at Nilaya House do you attend?

A. Rangaji’s (Iyengar), Amanda’s Yin, Nassima’s Restorative and Full Moon sound healing with Awakening Prema.

Q. Why do you practice yoga? What benefits does it bring? 

A. I had the inner wisdom to start practising yoga when I came to realize I was moderately depressed. I knew that I needed a holistic approach for mind and body to move through this mental state. I am truly grateful for discovering Nilaya House and the calibre of teachers at the shala – they led me into an inquiry of self-study as I was introduced to the yoga sutras, pranayama and meditation (shout out to Rangaji). Yoga keeps me balanced, grounded, in good shape and I am sure it will bring me longevity as I grow older.

Q. What is your favourite posture and why? 

A. No particular favourite posture, each and every practice is different. I approach my practice to be present and observe the differences day to day.

Q. What’s your advice for people wanting to start yoga?

A. Yoga is a journey, approach it with an open mind. Dedicate time to the practice, I encourage you to read the sutras and explore practices beyond the physical asana practice.


August: Dharana month

Join Nea for dharana (concentration practice) after Friday Ashtanga led class during the month of August.

Dharana is the sixth limb in Ashtanga yoga and it refers to focusing and concentrating the mind on one point. It is the preparation for the complete absorption of the mind in a meditative state.

It’s useful to practice dharana at the conclusion of the practice, as the mind has already started to be trained to focus, by applying it to awareness of the posture, breath and dristi (tristana method) throughout the class.

In addition the pranayama system built into the practice of “sama” equal breathing has a calming effect on the mind, making it conducive for continued concentration.

Students attending the led class are invited to stay on for the dharana session.

Starts August 7.




Over the next few weeks @ashtangayogadubai we’ll be exploring the second limb of Patanjali’s yoga sutras – the niyamas!

Often described as the “do’s” (rather than the yamas. – the do nots) the niyamas are extremely practical and provide an amazing guide for bringing yogic principles to life. In this series we’ll be focusing just on the niyamas as it applies to your yoga practice. It’s a great way to start thinking about the niyamas, and then the concepts can permeate out into daily living.

Tips for practising SAUCHA (cleaniness/purity)

Physical cleanliness

  • shower before practice
  • keep your yoga mat clean
  • return props to where you found them

Mental cleanliness

  • keep mobiles out of the shala practice room
  • refrain from wearing tracking devices/apple phones which can serve as a distraction
  • take a few months to centre yourself on your mat before you start, clear the mind by chanting the opening prayer, or connecting with your breath
  • allow time for 10 minutes rest at the end of practice, and a few minutes sitting before you move into the next part of your day