Saturday September 15
Price: 375
Course Description
The Relationship of the Breath to the Pelvis and the Pelvis to the Breath. A workshop for all movement modalities.
When we experience the diaphragm and the pelvis as parts of the same structural and functional organisation, we see that nothing in the body is or can act in isolation, we simply cannot separate the interplay of the other.
If the breath is restricted the pelvis is restricted and if the pelvis is bound the breath will be minimalised. These inner structures so critical to our vitality and wellbeing are often being unknowingly restricted by the other.
Understanding these dynamics and paying attention to this interplay allows us to play a more conscious role in our own functionality, vitality our health.
This workshop will be a learning through observation and felt sense experience of the diaphragm and pelvis to see how you can free up and give ease to this essential duo.
This workshop is suitable for anyone with an interest in bringing health and vitality to the body through movement. It will be of particular use to professionals in the field of various movement modalities, such as yoga, pilates, personal training & fitness, and dance.
About the Teacher: Karin Locher

Karin Locher is the founder of Centre For Spatial Medicine (CFSM), Professional Development, Teacher Training and Therapy; it is a revolutionary study of human movement and being that she and her faculty team teach around the world.
Karin offers an expanded vision and possibility for profound personal change. With insights, applications and new sensory language available through the awareness of the neuro-fascia, which she believes is the key to a whole new level of healing, rehabilitation and being.
A teacher and presenter worldwide for over 17 years, Karin is an affiliated partner with Anatomy Train; certified with Fascial Fitness and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing, Structural Integration (Fascia Release) and Reconnective Healing.