Friday June 26
online via Zoom
Agni, digestive fire, and Ama, toxicity, are the two most important concepts in Ayurveda. An understanding of how to balance agni and burn ama through how and what you eat is key to taking charge of your health. With better digestion, you’ll enjoy a stronger immune system, glowing skin, a sharper mind, and more energy.

About the Teacher: Kate O’Donnell

Kate O’Donnell is the author of three books on Ayurveda, including best-seller The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook. She has been practicing Ashtanga yoga and Ayurveda for over 20 years. An avid interest in the healing powers of food and yoga fuel her work. She is a Boston/Maine-based level II authorized Ashtanga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, and international lecturer. She continues to travel annually to India for study. www.kateodonnell.yoga