Tuesdays 8:30-10:30am
Oct 12, 19, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23
AED2450, or Early Bird Price of AED2150 (September 30)
This six-week series of two-hour sessions, with Iyengar Yoga teacher Naseem Kapasi is for teachers and students of yoga wanting a deeper understanding of how props can be used to facilitate a practitioners experience of the asana.
The sessions will cover in detail;
- breakdown of the asana itself – alignment, therapeutic benefit, potential modifications
- how to assess different body types, anatomical differences, variances in mobility/strength
- the role of various props from blankets, chairs, blocks, ropes and the wall
- prop positioning for support
- prop positioning to challenge
- working with props for specific conditions and injuries
“Working with props is more than just handing out a block. It’s both a science and an art, and when applied skillfully can either challenge or support.” Naseem Kapasi
Suitable for yoga teachers and experienced regular yoga practitioners.
Limited to 8 students only